Julia’s story, as shared by mother, Angela Mick
My daughter Julia is currently enrolled in the Get Ready for SchoolTM program at Williamsburg Community Centre. The instructors are all fantastic. She is reading! A few weeks ago when we were driving, I heard her sound out “jeep” as we approached another vehicle, which was amazing!
She has been reading for a few months thanks to the program, but what amazed me was that she chose to read when she didn’t have to. The program is also teaching a love of reading and learning! She is now trying to read signs wherever we go, from Wet Floor signs in a store to store signs on buildings. The program is teaching things like grit and curiosity, which are essential skills.
Julia loves the instructors – Susie, Melanie, Allie and Vanessa, as well as the volunteers. Story time is her favourite part of the program and when I pick her up, she immediately tells me what the story was about.
As a parent, I love the newsletters and meetings. One of the most enjoyable tips was to use cards to create stories. Julia loves making up silly stories and I would never have thought of this on my own. This makes learning at home fun too.
I can’t say enough positive things about the program and staff. I know that Julia is more than ready for school and I thank you for that. Now if you have a program for the parents to be ready to let go, sign me up. 🙂