Program Results
We place a high value on the evaluation of our Letters, Sounds and Words™ program and the methods through which it is implemented. The program is based on sound educational research and was developed by retired elementary school principal, Lynda Silvester in consultation with other educators. For more information on Lynda Silvester and the development of the Letters, Sounds and Words program, visit the History page.
Each child in the program is assessed before and after their participation using strand-specific literacy measures. This helps us determine the impact and effectiveness of this program, year after year. Children are also categorized as:
- Group A (Year 2 Kindergarten to Grade 1): Children who just need extra attention for a short period of time.
- Group B (Grade 2 to 4): Children who professionals predict may need extra support from resources within the school for another year or two.
- Group C ( ELL/MLL): Children who are learning English as a Second Language.
Our results consistently show that the children who participate in our Letters, Sounds and Words program make considerable, excellent, or outstanding gains in their early literacy skills. We also hear countless comments and stories from volunteers, parents and teachers, of how children gain confidence, self-esteem, and view themselves as successful learners through their participation.