Program Results
We place a high value on the evaluation of our Baby Connections® program and the methods through which it is implemented. Research tells us that right from birth, positive opportunities, in the context of warm, caring relationships, contribute significantly to a child’s capacity to learn, both in school and later in life. The first year of a baby’s life has an enormous impact on the development of basic language and cognitive skills and lays the foundation for healthy child development and the development of language and literacy. For more information on the Baby Connections program, click here.
Our consistent program results provide evidence that the Baby Connections program is effective in increasing parent/adult literacy awareness and engagement in meaningful interactions with their baby that promote brain development and the development of language and emergent literacy skills.
View Results
Baby Connections Results for 2022-2023 | 2023-09-01 |
Baby Connections Results for 2021-2022 | 2022-09-01 |