Share the Gift of Diversity

Learn about and celebrate another’s customs, beliefs, abilities, and challenges.

Book Recommendations

Child aged 0 to 4 Book: The Colors of Us by Karen Katz

With its colourful illustrations, and a child’s natural curiosity, this story takes us through the many shades of skin ‘we’re in’. The book is a celebration of diversity, with its imaginative descriptions voiced by an observant child. Who wouldn’t want to have skin that is the shade of creamy peanut butter, cinnamon, or honey?

Find this book at your local library: Cambridge

Child aged 4 to 8 Book: The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi

A story of a little girl named Unhei who just arrived from Korea with her family and is worried she won’t fit in because of her name being different. She decides to pick a new American name. When she realizes her classmates want to help, she discovers that it’s ok to be different. This story will speak to many children who worry about fitting in.

Find this book at your local library: Waterloo

Family Activities

  • Learn how to say hello in 10 different languages.
  • Try a new food or uncommon fruit.
  • Read a story from a different country.


Thank you for doing good! Tomorrow’s theme is youth.